Tuesday, August 19, 2008

August 19, 2008

Today I went to Delhi-Network coffee hour at the Hyatt in South Delhi. I've never seen so many blonde-haired wealthy women in my life, save maybe when I was in Finland a couple months ago. It was all very strange, ladies-who-lunch style. There was a short lecture on Dengue fever and how to best manage protecting your children (Citronella patches? Where can they be found? Spray/lotion? Candles? Fog? Do you spray yourself or have it done professionally? What if your children lick their skin? Rub their eyes? Isn't DEET bad for you? AHHH). One naturally spoken statement included, "Make sure your servants close the windows when..." The nice South African lady I spoke with had only taken a rickshaw once in her many many months in Delhi. After speaking with her I suddenly felt very rugged, tough, and brave. And knowledgeable too. I will start volunteering at their office this Thursday, helping newcomers to Delhi get settled and learn more about the city. :)

Right now I am doing what I do often, which is research and compare prices for products I'll use in my Lotus Odyssey line, and work on the in-progress web-site. Thus far I've settled on a beautiful white merino wool scarf hand-knitted by Panchachuli Women Weaver's, a bright silk/cotton summer scarf hand-woven by Dastkar, and organic body products from another environmentally sustaianble organization. Now I'm collecting names of funky botiques around the globs who sell similar products so I can send them a catalog. If you can think of any let me know!

I'm feeling a constant, weepy home-sickness these days. I think 3 months away is enough. I want clean refreshing Michigan wind, the sound of waves, to pet my aunt and uncle's dog Nelson and the farm cat George, to cook food at home, and talk for hours with everyone I know and love.

Besides my moping, which Puneet doesn't let me flounder in for long, I'm being generally productive. Actually, time is running out and I've got a ton to do for the Lotus Odyssey (my biz name!). Other than that I'm making plans for the fall which should include a Spain/France/Italy trip with my dad is mid-September, taking the GRE in October, and heading to Mexico in November.

I'm so lucky. :)

Love, T

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